Sunday, March 11, 2012

puzzle time

Valentines Day

For Family Home Evening we made some Sugar Cookies to give to the neighbors!

They look really good, but too bad they didn't taste as good as they looked.

I think your favorite part of making cookies was frosting them and then eating them. ( You didn't mind the taste)

Aunt Judy

Your Great Aunt Judy was in Dallas for work. She took us all out to dinner. It was so nice to have her visit! We love Aunt Judy!


You were laying on the ground and Austen thought that you really wanted someone to come and sit on your head!

New Dress

You look so beautiful in your new dress. I can't believe how much you have grown!

Picture Day

Jammie Queen

Here you are posing in your jammies!

Lego Mansion

You and your Daddy built this MegaMansion for your Strawberry Shortcake Dolls. You did a great job!

Best Friends!

Christmas 2011

Here you are opening your Christmas Eve Present! You were a little upset that it wasn't a toy, you will just have to remember that every Christmas Eve you will get to open your Christmas pajamas!

My 3 most favorite Girls~!

Christmas Morning, looking through your stockings!

You with all your Christmas Spoils!

Grandma and Great Grandpa

Grandma Burrell and Great Grandpa Kimber came to Texas to visit with you! It was so much fun to have them here!